7 May 2006

Richard Carlton

Oh my God!
Richard Carlton died it is so bizzare. The news crossed to the trapped beaconsfield miners. There were tones of impending sad news. It was then announced that the great and veteran reporter Richard Carlton had died of a heart attack. I was really quite shocked i have to say and i would like to say may he rest in peace and i hope you all remember most importantly of all that he died doing something he loved.


Anonymous said...

It is a sad and great loss, he was a great man, and reporter, who let nothing stand in his way to get the truth, the investigative reporting fraternity have lost one of the greatest reporters to ever grace australian screens, but we can gain somecomfort in knowing this, those who met him, are better for knowing him, or even just meeting him.
R.I.P. Richard Carlton 07.05.06.
You will be sorely and sadly missed
Nick B

Anonymous said...

rip richard carlton was a good man he didn't have the same acusatory tones in his voice or in his actions as most other reporters do nowdays, he was always fighting for peace and he appeared to dislike the war in iraq... there i said it at last the war in iraq. the media has been more frenzied over this than over things like earth tremors an such alike. if the media aren't ready to report and to seek out information about things that can and most likely will harm those who prop up this so called humanitarian government who will... richard carlton sent the image of truth and honesty to us...