19 April 2006

My Wallet

OK so the second wallet for the year htat i have lost turned up again all intact. I lost it in fed Square and a lady in clayton found it and handed it in 2 weeks later. all the cards money and jewllery were still there. so i have my $50 back meaning i have only lost $70 this year. I have my gardian angel neklace back. and i have a learners permit and a concession card again. so yeah that was a relief to hear after my long weekend. the police station only rang our house 4 times. three times over the weekend leaving messages and once on monday when thay spoke to me so there was almost noway i could not have known it had been found.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a relief to find out, imust tell you. I felt soo bad, 'cause u had lost a SECOND wallet, trying to spend time with me, I was starting to think i was cursed. Oh well, all's well that ends well (I hope!!)