20 November 2004


Today when I looked out the window there was actually snow. I have discovered that it is better to stay quiet in English as they learn Oxford English. That means a sentence such as ´I called the child and asked it for its name.´ is correct which I find a bit stupid. but anyway I am thinking of going completely geeky next year and taking: English, biology, German, literature, chemistry maths and maths methods. Snow is falling outside the window and I´m thinking other might be a white Christmas. Love to all who read these and more love to those who comment.


Anonymous said...

brrrr.. no snow here, lots of sun when the rain isn't here, which it is today. from M, N, R, N

Anonymous said...

Hey! Ann! You missed this one.

By the way, as Pooh would say,

The more it snows
Tiddly Pom
The more it goes
Tiddly Pom
The more it goes
Tiddly Pom
On snowing

From M

Anonymous said...

On the really sultry hot days here in melbourne I think I'd swap for a bit of cool snow. And do enjoy stuffing your face with hot, really yummy food this Christmas, I'm sure you won't feel half as bad eating heaps in cold weather as you do in hot! I'm really sick of having salads for Christmas dinner because it's too hot to eat the yummy stuff - in fact I think Christmas in Australia should be in July or August. You'll be able to tell me your preference after this experience. N