13 October 2004


hello all well 2 months ago i had never left the country . now i have just returned from greece i have also been to holland, switzerland and italy. in the holidays whic start in 2 days i am going to paris and london cool or what. okay then Greece was incrediably sunny warm and ...greek. the place where we stayed was really nice we had apartments wioth 4 people to each. i spoke lots of german and a bit of english. we went to olympia which was cool as you can visit the dig sites. we went to a temple which they are in the process of restoring. in italy i bought gelati which was delicious. anyway greece we did lots of work and relaxing. we went to the beach i went and played soccer with the boys. i did lots of swimming. lots of people were thrown into the pool. including me about 5 times. anyway thats the brief up date.


Anonymous said...

Jetabout!! This is not a compliment, but a jealous comment! from M, N, R, N

ann-da-panda said...

R is jealous? i have never been to