13 September 2004

As part of a women's empowerment campaign, men in India's Bihar state could face up to three years in jail if they are caught drinking without written permission from their wives. this is from the age the other day a cool idea i thought. school was let out early again today. the french teacher told me to re write my (almost mistake free german) essay on paul verlaine again in blue pen! it was originally in pink which i am aware is a completly terrible colour. i rode 3-4 metres (in one go) on the unicycle today. a bit later in my practice i fell off and tore a hole in my pants. now let us all take a moment to sympathise with me.............1..2..3..awwwwwwww. when i came inside lukas was sitting on the couch with his leg in plaster so for the next five months lukas will be a cripple. all together now awwwwwwwwwwww.


Anonymous said...

Cool plan we reckon - M, N but N and R not so sure. from M, N, R, N

ann-da-panda said...

can´t blame ém really. where is my sympathy?:(