9 July 2008

Some pics

This is me in full make up for Jesus Christ Superstar

Ok i was looking at my blog and i have not done any pics of late so here are 2

5 July 2008


So i am now single. I have a new bunch of prospects open to me with regard work and stuff.

9 May 2008

Ok so the big news

The big news is I have a boyfriend. His name is Adam I have known him for 4 years since cuboree in 2004 any way after all this time we are finally going out he is awesome and gives me lots of hugs keeps me up at night and makes me smile heaps

1 May 2008

so moving on

Well ok so having got over my initial breakdown swearing of guys. A bad idea if you know me i can't live without male attention. :) So now i am back to being interested in guys yeah i know swearing off it was very very short lived they are far too awesome. i am still not planning too jump into bed with anyone or a relationship too hastily. But, yes as usual there is a but, there may be some prospects.
Today i had a great moment it finally clicked that i am ok and that i don't need to lement over what i have lost because it was already lost when he decided he no longer loved me. So now there are the challenges i want to set myself the major of which is to get back in shape the other is to deal with things as in uni etc. At present i am listening to all this awesome music that i have not heard in ages i love itunes. So anyway the point of this blog is to anounnce after finally finding someone i am scared to make a move on and letting that fear stop me making a possibly major mistake for the want of comfort and yes it may not have been a mistake but you know what i am willing to live with that, i am happy with the friendship i do have with him.
So now there are 2 other new male events one i might move in with in august provided they still want to then and i have the money for it. I am not sure if it will be into the same room or seperate ones?(he has an awesome smile and makes me smile) there is also this very nice sweet guy i met at uni who actually i think makes me nervous i don't think i looked him in the eyes propery the whole time we spoke and i would like to see again :) I am at the point where i am going to try to wait it out until i guy decides he likes me and he wants to act on it. Don't know how long it will last this new resolution but at least until a guy expresses some interest even if it is as nonverbal as to just go out and kiss me to express it. yes i am a dag.

i am putting in a new paragraph just cos i can. and if you read this please post a comment.

20 April 2008

Ok so a choice

Well I have been thinking and much as i would love to just fall into the next brilliant relationship I know from my own history that it won't just happen. I have also decided that I am taking a break from boyfriends that i would rather just have mates at the moment who make me smile and spend time with me. I just want to be able to be single and ok with it before i start anything else

17 April 2008

suddenly single and thinking what i want

well admittedly i have been neglecting my blog of late. so, hello blog i am back. Well i guess an update is in order. After 1 year and nearly 8 months Liam decided he no longer loved me so i now find myself single and looking at what i want. Oh and in other news i have made a new aquisition to my lovely family so now in addition to my cat and my bed i own my own car. His name is ralph and he is a 1988, 5 speed manual , maroon toyota camry.

So i have been thinking about what is important to me and apart from my family and friends. I want someone i care about. Someone who cares how my day was and what i got up to. Someone who will listen to my inane conversation and still want to curl up with me at the end of the day. Someone who gives really good hugs and loves to recieve them. Someone who wants to tell me all the exciting and inane things that happened that day. Who wants to live in today and plan for the future.

Oh and i suck i ate my mums chocolate and i couldn't replace it and now when she is craving it isn't there oops. :)

Oh and in addition the things that are working are my work and my internet. The things that aren't are my stomach, my uni work and my love life as previously mentioned. Not that single life isn't fun the fun is just shortlived.