I would just like to complain about the current scouting association, who may, I fear be going through an identity crisis. Firstly the scouting association has decided to change the scouting uniform, they are now proposing a review of the size of the current badges in relation to the new uniform which is in it's self resonable but the association are also considering removing badges from the uniform entirely. This action seems to me somewhat non-sensical as it leaves us very few ties with the original scouting tradition. I would agree that the scouting movement may be lacking in membership numbers but i think this lacking has more to do with the activities offered than the uniform. in recent years the main complaint i have heard as a venture is that the camps are boring. a camp such as Anything Goes has become stagnant because the number of free on site activities is detiriating every year so people are staying in their tents and not socilizing while the leaders become kranky because of the noise in the tent lines. if i am shelling out $45 plus food and transport for a camp i want to be getting something for my money. turning up at a camp to tents and hidden people is not my idea of fun. i am aware that the insurance premiums make it difficult to do some activities but i also believe that other avenues of entertainment should be explored. the social collapse of veturers and the mudaneness of camps will lead to a lack of enthusiasm and therefore implosion. i hope next time i attend a big victorian camp there will be something more on offer than dinner a movie and grumpy leaders in the tent line.